Approved Precinct Maps
Approved Precinct Maps
Every 10 years, the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder’s Office is legally responsible for updating precinct boundaries and numbers to reflect new United States Congressional and Colorado legislative districts redrawn based on U.S. Census Bureau data. Accurate, fairly drawn precincts ensure all Arapahoe County voters receive ballots that contain relevant issues, measures and candidates in each election.
Precinct boundaries within the County cannot conflict with U.S. Congressional, CO House, or CO Senate district boundaries that were created by the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission and approved by the Colorado Supreme Court. Precincts are also limited to no more than 2,000 active voters each.
This process is nonpartisan, with mapping and elections professionals incorporating the new district lines and calculating active voter counts. The new precinct map were approved by the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners on January 25, 2022.
In addition to boundary changes based on new district lines or active voter counts, most precincts 10-digit identification numbers have been updated to match new U.S. Congressional or Colorado legislative districts.
For example:
Precinct 6260303101 =
US Congressional District (6), Colorado Senate District (26), Colorado House District (03)
Arapahoe County Code (03), County Commissioner District (1), Precinct Number (01)
Most precincts within the County will not have new boundaries, but almost all precincts have modified 10-digit identification numbers. Click here for a table of all proposed new precinct numbers, districts, and updated voter counts.
There are 57 proposed precincts with boundary changes. These were either split off from larger precincts, had portions split apart from them, or had parts of a different precinct merged into them. You can review individual PDF precinct maps organized by various districts in Arapahoe County by following the links below.