My Voter Info
Register to VoteRegister to vote online or print and complete the Colorado Voter Registration Form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. |
View/Update Voter RegistrationView your current registration and make changes online, or complete the Colorado Voter Registration Form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. (Voters with confidential status must use the paper form.) |
Change Mailing Address for Mail BallotCollege student? Snowbird? Change your mailing address for your mail ballot online, or complete the Colorado Voter Registration Form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. |
Track My Mail BallotView the status of your ballot online in any election using our free BallotTrack. (Not available to voters with confidential status.) |
Register as Military/Overseas VoterRegister to vote as a UOCAVA voter if you are a military service member or his/her dependents absent from the state because of active duty, or if you are a citizen living overseas. |
My Precinct, Districts and Elected OfficialsUse our Registered Voter Search tool to view your precinct number, plus a list of your districts and elected officials. (Not available to voters with confidential status.) |
Privacy of My Voter InformationSome information in your voter registration is considered public record. You may request confidential status in some circumstances. |
Withdraw My RegistrationIf you are moving out of Colorado, withdraw your voter registration online or print and complete the Withdrawal of Colorado Voter Registration Form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. You may not cast ballots in two states. |
Voter Information SheetsWe're proud to offer these "how-to" sheets for voters fluent in the eight most widely spoken languages by Arapahoe County Voters. |