Sheets available in Amharic, English, Korean, Russian and Spanish
June 25, 2020—In line with Arapahoe County’s ongoing efforts to cultivate equity, Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez announced today that the Elections Division in her Office published voter information sheets in the five most common languages spoken within the County.
“We prioritize expanding access to the ballot box for all voting-eligible residents, and we’re proud to offer resources to help residents who aren’t fluent English speakers exercise their right to vote,” Lopez said.
The fact sheets are available in Amharic, Korean, English, Russian and Spanish. They include step-by-step instructions to register to vote, find voting locations, and cast and track mail ballots. They are available for download at www.arapahoevotes.com/my-voter-info and will be distributed at events like the Arapahoe County Fair and Aurora Pride Fest.
Arapahoe County Elections offers language interpretation services at voter service and polling centers and its Voter Services office in Littleton, and has offered Spanish-language sample ballots at each of its VSPCs and on its website since June 2020.
Deputy Director of Elections Peg Perl said she hopes the fact sheets drive an uptick in engagement with minority language speakers in the County.
“Our democracy works best when we give as many people as possible the tools they need to participate. We hope these resources will help even more people in our communities feel seen, and be heard.”