Ballots for the June 26 Primary Election will arrive in mailboxes by June 9 to 370,000 active registered voters who are affiliated with the Democratic or Republican Party, or who are unaffiliated. No minor parties are holding a primary election in Arapahoe County this year.
The Primary Election will ‘narrow the field’ of Democratic and Republican candidates who will vie for county, state and congressional seats in the Nov. 6 General Election.
It is the first time that unaffiliated voters in Colorado will be able to cast a primary ballot for any one political party, without affiliating. This is because voters approved Proposition 108 in 2016.
Here are five questions and answers to explain the new primary election and voters’ options.
1. Who will receive a primary election ballot?
Voters who are affiliated with the Democratic or Republican Party will receive their party’s primary ballot by mail.
Voters who are unaffiliated will receive both the Democratic and Republican ballots, but may vote and return only one. If two ballots are cast, none will count.
Approximately 5,000 unaffiliated voters in Arapahoe County selected a ‘ballot preference’ in advance, opting to receive just one party’s ballot. The deadline to declare a ballot preference was May 29.
See a sample ballot and links to the candidates' websites at www.arapahoevotes.com/on-the-ballot.
2. Why don’t minor party voters get to participate in the primary election?
The American Constitution, Green, Libertarian and Unity Parties are not holding a primary election. Therefore, the County’s 6,500 minor party voters will not receive a primary ballot. Instead, candidates representing minor parties will use the petition or party assembly process to get onto the Nov. 6 ballot.
3. Can I change my political party affiliation for this election?
It is now too late for affiliated voters to change or withdraw their party affiliation for this Primary Election. The deadline was May 29. Voters who are unaffiliated can still declare a party affiliation through June 26. However, it’s important to remember that unaffiliated voters will already receive both the Democratic and Republican Party primary ballots by mail, and may cast either one.
4. How can I return and track my mail ballot?
Voters may return their voted ballot by mail with 50 cents postage, or one ‘Forever Stamp’, or deliver it to any one of 26 ballot box locations in Arapahoe County. Ballots must be received by the County by 7 p.m. on Election Day to be counted. Find your nearest ballot box at www.arapahoevotes.com/find-my-nearest.
Use Arapahoe County’s Ballot Track to track your mail ballot. You can also sign up for free notifications by email, text or phone when your ballot is mailed to you, picked up by the Postal Service, and received by Arapahoe County Elections. Visit www.arapahoevotes.com/ballot-track.
5. What if I don’t receive my mail ballot?
Ballots should arrive by June 9. Please allow the Postal Service time to deliver your mail ballot. If you do not receive it by June 9, contact Arapahoe County Elections at 303-795-4511 to request a replacement. After June 18, it will be too late to send out mail ballots and you should go in-person to one of five Voter Service and Polling Center to request a replacement ballot.
For more information about the Primary Election in Arapahoe County, please call 303-795-4511 or visit www.ArapahoeVotes.com. To update your voter registration, visit www.GoVoteColorado.com.