On Tuesday, July 12, the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder’s Office conducted its Risk-Limiting Audit of the June 2022 Primary Election. This bipartisan process compares paper ballots to electronic vote totals recorded by the Secretary of State’s Office, to ensure recorded results match the vote totals marked on voters’ ballots.
Major parties each choose one representative to participate in the audit, who work alongside teams of election judges, paired in bipartisan fashion. Nine teams of two judges each participated in the audit with the party representatives making up the tenth team.
The audit of 145 randomly selected ballots was successful, confirming that results of the June Primary Election were indeed accurate. All other counties in the state completed their audits as well, confirming accurate results across Colorado. Watch video of the entire audit process here: https://youtu.be/9wwRjXgMkAM.
The next post-election process for the Office is the meeting of the Canvass Board on July 15. The Board comprises the bipartisan party representatives, and Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez.