Coordinating Jurisdictions
How to Coordinate:
If your jurisdiction would like to coordinate to put a question, issue or race on the Arapahoe County 2024 General Election ballot, please complete this survey by July 26, 2024 (100 days notice) and then follow the steps below. Please review Key Dates for Coordinating Jurisdictions.
- Receive and review a Cost Estimate and an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) from Arapahoe County, which details in full the County and Jurisdiction’s responsibilities for the election. This IGA must be executed by both parties by Aug. 27, 2024.
- Ask candidates to record their names for the accessible audio ballot by calling 303-734-5365 by Aug. 27, 2024.
- Certify your ballot content to Arapahoe County using our required formatting for the ballot by Sept. 06, 2024.
- Receive issue summaries and pro/con statements related to TABOR (tax/debt) issues from issue committees and community, if applicable, by Sept. 20, 2024.
- Use our required template to prepare and format your TABOR notice. Submit to Arapahoe County by Sept. 23, 2024.
- Participate in the County’s Logic and Accuracy Test of our voting system.
- If you are a special district and if applicable, request lists of property owners who live outside Arapahoe County from the Assessor's Office and send list to Arapahoe County, so these voters may receive ballots.
- If your jurisdiction is initiating a ballot question or issue, follow our guidelines to appoint Election Watchers.
- Observe the Election Canvass, if desired.
- Receive an invoice for your jurisdiction’s prorated share of election expenses, and submit payment to Arapahoe County within 60 days of receipt.
How Ballot Issues are Numbered:
If your jurisdiction coordinates on a ballot, then Arapahoe County (or the controlling county) will assign the number and letter for ballot measures, in accordance with Colorado law. [C.R.S. 1-5-407(5)] For jurisdictions located in only Arapahoe County, the number will be assigned on first-come, first-served basis.
For jurisdictions in multiple counties, the controlling county is where your administrative office is, or where largest number of your voters reside if no office. Your ballot measures number and text must appear exactly the same in both counties.
Initiatives are designated by a number. Referred measures are designated by a letter and a number.
Political Subdivision | Initiated Issue or Question | Referred Issue or Question |
County | 200-299 | 1A-1Z |
Municipal measures wholly within a county Municipal measures greater than a county |
300-399 | 2A-2Z 3A-3Z |
School District measures wholly within a county School District measures greater than a county |
400-499 | 4A-4Z 5A-5Z |
Other political subdivisions greater than a county | 500-599 | 7A-7Z |
Other political subdivisions wholly within a county | 600-699 | 6A-6Z |
How Election Costs are Distributed:
Political Subdivision: | County Clerk: | State of Colorado: |